Alyssa’s Testimony

Alyssa's Testimony

For many of us the new year ushers in a fresh start, renewed commitments, and much to look forward to. The excitement and anticipation of new beginnings, hope, and transformation is something that we all anticipate and certainly need, especially now.

We know that it’s your support and partnership through giving, that continues to transform the hearts and lives of our clients, patrons, and even staff members… like Alyssa. Alyssa lends her talents here at the Mission as our Development Assistant, supporting our engagement team with her many abilities and gifts. Yet, just a few short years ago, suffering from addiction, her story was so different, filled with pain and struggle. Who better to tell Alyssa’s story than she:

It wasn’t until we fully surrendered to God and to working on ourselves individually that things finally clicked into place. Now, our lives are a testimony to the grace and redemption that can only be found through the strength our Lord provides. Having just celebrated our 14 year anniversary, it’s a blessing to wake up every morning knowing we are healthy, loved, and together as one.”

This is the difference you’ve help make happen in Alyssa (and Irby’s) lives… What a powerful testimony of hope, lifesaving transformation, and a fresh start! Your support matters a great deal, especially now as we begin this new year, with a renewed commitment to impact as many lives as possible through our ministry programs.

We know that it is your compassionate giving that has helped make this testimony possible for Alyssa and her family… It is your generosity and dedication that helps us continue to fight against addiction to share God’s love and hope for a brighter future. Will you once again, generously be the hope that someone so desperately needs?

Together in service,

Stephanie M. Halley